
What when differing epistemological perspectives collide

Q1. Document a short dialogue bet someone who believes there is an argument for the existence of a Supreme being and some who believes there is an argument against the existence of a supreme being. Use and name correctly arguments.

Q2. Plato's Allegory of the Cave outlines a dualist view that can act as an organizational guide for much of philosophical inquir. Explain the main features for dualism using knowledge and examples from the HZT4U course particularly from the Metaphysics and Espistemology units. provide detailed explanation and example.

Q3. Explain in detail John Locke's position that we are born like a blank piece of paper waiting to be written on by our sensory experience.

Q4. Using exa from the HZT4U course explain what the consequences are when differing epistemological perspectives collide.

Q5. Explain Aristotle's argument for moderation in action and emotion.

Q6. According yo Buddha, there are 10 unwholesome actions that must be purged in order to have the Right View. Three of them are false speech, slanderous speech, and harsh speech. Explain these.

Q7. Explain how slavery might be considered justifiable under utilitarianism.

Q8. Explain why the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was documented after the Second World War.

Q9. Immanuel Kant said that one should "act as to treat humanity, whether in thine own person or in that of any other, in every case as an end withal, never as means only."

Kant argues that people should be valued for who they are, in and of themselves, and not because they can do something for us, or help us get something.

Do you agree? Refer to two philosophers and describe their insight on this topic.

Document a paragraph to illustrate your response.

Q10. The Dalai Lama, when discussing events in China controlled Tibet, stated, "The best way forward is to resolve the issues between the Tibetans and the Chinese leadership through dialogue..."However, Chinese leader Mai Zedong stated that "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

Document a very very and long detailed dialogue between three philosophers- these two people and third of your choosing-regarding political power and how best to obtain it.

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