
What were your teams successes what were the challenges and

Teams Assignment

Businesses frequently organize employees into teams to accomplish goals. Teams can be very productive if managed properly, but they can also become dysfunctional when allowed too much freedom. Strong leadership is needed to ensure that the team is motivated and focused on the goals. Team members must understand their purpose and have a clear vision of how that purpose fits with the company's needs.

For this assignment, think of a time when you worked as part of a team (preferably a team in the workplace, but you could also use an alternative team situation as long as it would apply to the requirements of this assignment). What was the team's purpose?

Write a 1-2 page paper discussing the following points:

• Using the four stages of team building covered in the text, describe your experience with your team. Explain what happened during each of the stages.

• What were your team's successes?

• What were the challenges, and was the team able to overcome those challenges? If so, how? If not, what were the difficulties, and what could have been done differently?

• Explain how the four key leadership skills listed in the text were used to facilitate the team's performance. If any of the skills were not used effectively, discuss ways that could have been improved.

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Business Management: What were your teams successes what were the challenges and
Reference No:- TGS02155411

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