
What were your steps what photos did you take what is your


You will be asked to create a "breaking and entering plus burglary crime scene." Do not actually damage anything for this project. You will then have to take photographs of your crime scene, using the photography information provided in the textbook to ensure that you take all the photographs that will be required in court. You must take at least 15 photographs, including overview, medium range and close-up photographs. Your close-up photographs must include photographs of your items both with and without a scale. You must also photograph the area where your "items or items" were "stolen" from. You must also draw a sketch of your "crime scene"

You will also have to write a short essay describing the crime scene. While you are photographing your crime scene, you should also be taking notes: what does the crime scene look like? What is "missing?" What were your steps? What photos did you take? What is your "evidence?" What did you "collect?" Use that information to write your essay.

Note: This essay should be a minimum of 500 words. As this is a paper, do not forget the introduction and conclusion for your essay.

Put together a PowerPoint presentation of your photographs and your sketch (either scan or photograph your sketch to digitize it). Submit your Essay and your PowerPoint to your Assignment Folder. If your PowerPoint is over 10Mb, it cannot be uploaded into the Assignment Folder. Therefore, any PowerPoint over 10Mb should instead be submitted to the Private Messaging area, as your PowerPoint can be up to 50Mb in the Private Message area. However, you should submit your Essay only to your Assignment Folder.

Format Requirements

• Paper should be a minimum of 500 words or two pages

• Double space

• 12 pt. font

• 1" margins

• Use APA citations for all sources

• Include reference page using APA format guidelines (not included in word count).

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Dissertation: What were your steps what photos did you take what is your
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