What were your results from the moral instincts survey ie

Journal Assignment -15 item Moral Instinct Survey

1. The moral instincts survey captures several key ethical theories that are discussed in your textbook and readings. In preparation for this journal entry complete the 15-item Moral Instinct Survey(attached). The document can be printed and you can circle your answers, or you can bypass printing and save your answers to a sheet of paper so that you can refer to them as you answer the following questions.

2. In your journal, reflect on the following questions and post your observations and thoughts.

o What were your results from the Moral Instincts Survey? (i.e. which of the four approaches did you use most often?)
o Were you surprised by your results?
o Did it validate what you already knew?
o Which approach did you use least often?

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Dissertation: What were your results from the moral instincts survey ie
Reference No:- TGS02342858

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