
What were your eating habits like as a young child in what

Discussion - Find below discussion. Need 250 words main post + reference + two reply to classmates in 3-4 lines.

For this discussion, select one of the options below. Please include the option number in the title for your post.

Option 1: Too many young children in the United States are being raised on diets that are too high in fat, and are not getting nearly as much exercise as they need. Leading experts agree that a child's life should be centered around activities, not meals. What were your eating habits like as a young child? In what ways are they similar or different from your current eating habits? Were your early eating habits a forerunner of whether or not you have weight problems today?

Option 2: Authoritarian, authoritative, neglectful, and indulgent are four main parenting styles. However, authoritative parenting is the most widely used style around the world, and is the style most often associated with children's social competence. Which style or style of parenting did your mother and father use in rearing you? What effects do you think their parenting style(s) have had on your development? Explain your answer.

Post of classmate (you have to reply two classmates below in 3-4 lines)

Christin Tobia -

My eating habits as a child was eating my mother's home cooked meals and once out of a week she would take us to a fast food restaurant. I had always loved sweets and never had stopped. I used to eat a lot of candy and junk food. I still do till this day. Today, my eating habits are cooking for my husband and I, go to my in-laws for home cooked meals, and about once or twice a week we eat out. I still love my sweets.  Eating habits are important aspects pf development during early childhood (Santrock, 2017).

I weigh about 112 pounds, I don't have a weight problem but, when I eat unhealthy for about a week I feel unhealthy and overweight. I used to exercise mostly everyday but, starting school it is hard because I must study mostly every week for an exam(s). I do believe eating unhealthy and not exercising a person would have weight problems and a lot of health problems as well. The first way to be healthy is what goes inside your body and exercising. What children eat affects their skeletal growth, body shape, and susceptibility to disease (Santrock, 2017). I also believe it has a lot to do with the child influenced by their caregiver/parent. You are the example for your child to eat better and be active in life like sports, family outdoor activities, etc.

Reference - Santrock, J. W. (2017). Lifespan-span Development (17th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

Maria Martin -

I do believe that the way i was raised and the relationship my family has had with food has caused me to pass the same culture and way of thinking with food to my family. I was brought up on soul food high fat high carbohydrates foods that were more like comfort foods that nutritional. So I believe that the prevention of obesity in children includes helping children,parents,and teachers see food as a way to satify hunger and meet nutrional needs,not as proof of love or as a reward for good behavior(fedewa, 2015; sorte, daeschel, & amador, 2017).the way i was raised if you was sad we cooked, if something good happened we cooked big meals for all the family (meaning extended family too ).so now as my children are getting older i have started to become more food and nutrient aware of foods we eat. I try not to go out to eat as much as we use to. I do believe that young children's eating behaviors is strongly influenced by their caregivers behavior (eneli &others, 2015; sorte, daeschel, amador, 2017; tan & holub, 2015). The scare i got when i took my youngest daughter who is 5 yrs old on the growth chart she was measuring obese in weight and i was recommended to see a nutritionist. So that day I made a decision that we were not going to eat fast food at all for a while i now meal prep for a week at a time and I also increased everyone's cardio and activity level. I refuse to be another statistic.

Discussion Submission Instructions - This discussion requires one (1) initial post (IP) and two (2) reply posts (RPs). Please note: Although your instructor may not respond to your specific post(s) every week, be assured he/she will read every initial post and reply.

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Dissertation: What were your eating habits like as a young child in what
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