
What were the values of beta beta for each stage what 3

Lab: Multistage BJT Amplifier

1. Multisim
2. Brain

1. Pencil
2. Paper

1885_Multistage BJT Amplifier.jpg
Figure 7- 1


1. Measure IB, ICQ and VCEQ of amplifier stage. (You can show all values at one time.)

2. Using the oscilloscope to show Vin (Channel A) and Vout (Channel B), determine the measured overall voltage gain, AV(OA).

3. Using the peak input voltage (Channel A), also determine Iin(pk) and using peak output voltage (Channel B), also determine Iout(pk). Use these two values to determine the measured current gain, Ai(OA).

4. Use your measured voltage gain and current gain to determine the measured power gain, AP(OA).

5. Now, change the values of RE1 and RE2 in the last stage from 125Ω and 700Ω respectively to 109Ω and 716Ω and repeat Steps 3, 4 and 5.

6. Create a table comparing all measured values from step 1 to calculated theoretical values.

7. Create a table comparing all measured gain values to their theoretical counterparts.


1. What were the values of beta (β) for each stage?
2. What 3 amplifier configurations were used?
3. Explain the change in voltage gain when RE1 and RE2 were adjusted.

Submittal: All sections must be completed digitally. (Not hand-written/drawn)

1. Lab Cover Sheet (filled in appropriately)
2. Title Page (Appropriate information is described in the ‘Format of a Technical Report' found on Blackboard)
3. OBJECTIVE - This section is in paragraph form comprised of complete sentences stating the purposes for doing the experiment and what theory this experiment was supposed to verify?)

4. DATA section including:

a. Circuit
b. Circuit showing measured values.
c. Oscilloscope reading - place the measured voltage, current and power gains directly beneath this screenshot.
d. Calculations - all calculations should be neat and organized, typed calculations will be given more consideration (points)
e. Tables
f. Answers to the Questions 1 through 3

5. DISCUSSION - Complete sentences comparing theoretical values to measured values.

Do not be vague or non-specific!

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Other Engineering: What were the values of beta beta for each stage what 3
Reference No:- TGS01663450

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