What were the theological roots of social contract theory

Assignment task:

Tocqueville says about some of America's earliest settlers, "Puritanism was not only a religious doctrine, but also at several points it was mingled with the most absolute democratic and republican theories" (54). Citing his text, what does Tocqueville believe was democratic and republican about Puritanism? How did Puritanism shape early American culture, and how did it compare with other influences on that political culture, according to Tocqueville? Consider the factors that contributed to their success. Also think about the characteristics of these early colonists that went on to shape the American character and identity. Are there ways that the character of the colonists is still evident today? What were the theological roots of social contract theory?  Why did/does constitutional democracy tend to follow Protestantism (consider this source:


The Reformation Roots of Social Contract


In addition, include 5 scholarly citations from below books and peer reviewed articles:

McClellan, James. (2000). Liberty, Order, and Justice An Introduction to the Constitutional Principles of American Government. 3rd ed. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund.

De Tocqueville, Alexis. (2010). Democracy in America, ed. Eduardo Nolla. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund.

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