
What were the most compelling points from the interaction

Question: Review and reflect on the Intelligence Failure Discussion Board. Based on your review and reflection of new learning in this course, write at least 350-400 words on the following:

Use the below peer answer to answer the following questions.

What have you learned from others'' responses?

What were the most compelling points from the interaction with your fellow students?

How did participating in this discussion help in your understanding of the Discussion Board task?

What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information in the students'' networking?

What is still unclear after the discussion with your classmates that needs to be clarified?

Peer Answer
" The U.S National Intelligence states there are six stages to the intelligence cycle, the stages are planning and direction, Collection, Processing and exploitation, Analysis and Production, Dissemination and Evaluation. Each stage has a reason to take place so that it can help us collect intelligence on possible terrorist plots and where they maybe and when they might plan to attack us. Each step to the cycle is critical to collecting intelligence in order to either stop an attack before it happened or trying and figure out where the cell is located. The step that I feel is most susceptible to intelligence failure is the Collection of data because even with the different sources to collect the information from the HUMINT source could possibly lie about something or even forget the smallest of detail in order to give the proper authorities. HUMINT intelligence is the best to have because you have a person giving you the information and it could lead to capture or even to preventing an attack from happening. The other issues that lies with collection data is the data may be old data that is being collected and if it is then there is a lack in intelligence because of how old it possibly can be to the situation at hand.

This failure has probably occurred overtime and may have gone unnoticed but with more intel on the people the information is coming from would help keep the intel very reliable so that we do not have any more misunderstandings. One main issues would be that the person giving the intel may be going back to the original source and letting them know that someone is on to what they are doing so they need to change things up. It's always good to know that the person giving you the intel isn't going back to their original employer and repeating everything they are giving you back to them. Being able to use someone who's not completely committed to the cause is a great way to get the best intel because they don't fully believe their employer and they have risks such as a family that could be compromised if the plan goes bad or if they don't do ask they are told the employer would hold their family hostage. With giving then an out and letting them know their family is safe would be a great way to get the best intel and most up to date intel on the group or person that is being surveillance.

The evaluation stage is the least susceptible to failure because it's there to prevent the slightest miscommunication among the intelligence unit. They take the information that is gathered from many groups and compile it all together and then evaluate which is true and which needs more information gathered. Once the evaluation is over they can then come up with the proper plan to execute the counter attack to help prevent as much damage as possible. This step is all about planning if you can plan a foul proof plan then you can infiltrate the cell to the point that you can get intel on where they were recruited from.

Intelligence gathering can be a dangerous thing to do but with every agency involved getting enough intel from their agents we can possibly prevent the next September 11th attack and save millions of lives. Intelligence is the main focus because we have many out there that are willing to help take down the next terrorist cell to keep our nation and our allies alive. We can win the war on terrorism.



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Dissertation: What were the most compelling points from the interaction
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