
What were the major findings did you agree with the authors

After reading the article: "Ugly on the Diamonds: An Examination of White Privilege in Youth Baseball" answer the following questions.

1. What were the major issues addressed in each article . How well did they justify studying it? Did you agree that it was important? Why or why not?

2. In specific how did the researcher go about collecting their data? What did you think of their approach? Do you think it was adequate? Did it meet the criteria discussed in this podcast? If you were required (and you are) to suggest two things they might have done differently, what would they be?

3. How did the researcher analyze their data? Did they explain it well? Did it make sense? Why or why not?

4. What were the major findings? Did you agree with the author's interpretations? What else would you like to know about the research or topic? What questions do you have after reading the article, either methodological or content related?

5. What else could they have done? Which direction could they go next? What might be a quantitative follow-up?

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Dissertation: What were the major findings did you agree with the authors
Reference No:- TGS02368751

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