Materials have been used in engineering applications for thousands of years. Sometimes these engineering structures or devices fail. In some cases the failure will be attributed to operator error, where the device was overloaded or misused but in some cases the design or the material or both were the cause of the failure. It is important that humans "learn from their mistakes" but what is even more important is that engineers "learn from other people's mistakes". Below you will find a list of infamous engineering disasters where a major engineering structure or device failed. Select one of these and after doing some research, prepare a report in your own words discussing how the material (and/or the chosen design) was responsible for the failure and what engineering information was learned from this disaster.
1- Tay Bridge, Scotland (1879)
2- Challenger space shuttle, USA (1986)
3- De Havilland Comet Air, Rome to London flight (1954)
4- Alaska MD-80 flight, USA (1999)
5- Eschede railway disaster, Germany (1998)
Your report should be between 1200-1500 words, should include references and diagrams where appropriate and should address the following points where applicable:
- What material(s) and component failed and why?
- Was this due to using the wrong material or was the design inappropriate?
- What were the major engineering issues learned from this failure?