
What were the major changes from the articles of

Short Essay Section

Write in complete sentences and paragraphs. 1" margins, 12 point type, single spaced.

? Make sure that you support your answers.

? Cite your sources (Bibme.org - style Chicago/Turabian)

? To cite your textbook as the source of information use a parenthetical reference. The citation is placed in parentheses after the sentence or part thereof that the citation supports, and includes the authors' names, year of publication, and page number(s).

? Example: (Morone and Kersh 2016, 125) - The only part to change is the date if you are using an older text and the page number(s) of what you are citing.

? Please spell-check your document. Anything underlined in rde means possible spelling mistake. If the program you are writing in doesn't spell check then change. Google Docs is free and includes a spell check.

? Have someone, (this someone is not yourself sitting in front of a mirror,) read your answers out-loud to you. Simple tool, but can be very effective.

? Make sure you answered every question. Do NOT turn in an incomplete midterm.


1. How does the mass media affect politics?

2. What were the major changes from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution? What problems did the framers "fix"?

3. Explain the three periods of the development of federalism, influential leaders of the time, and the future of federalism.

4. What specific rights do the Fourth and Fifth Amendments provide to those accused of crimes? To which does the exclusionary rule apply? What has the Court ruled on recently regarding the exclusionary rule, and what trend does this reflect?

5. What are the three top predictors for civic engagement? Provide examples of each. What can be done to enhance civic engagement?

6. Describe the Seven Steps to Political Equality (SSPE)

a. Define each of the Seven Steps to Political Equality.

b. How did the Greensboro 4 experience match the SSPE? Give examples for each step that applies. (For the steps beyond the scope of the Greensboro 4, use your textbook to identify events that correlate to the goals of the Greensboro 4.)

Political Ideology Section

Uncovering and Exploring Your Political Ideology

I would like you to take 2 short surveys that will give you insight about where you fall on the political ideology spectrum. Follow the instructions carefully so that you can get credit for your work as well as providing information and data for us a class.

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Dissertation: What were the major changes from the articles of
Reference No:- TGS02426417

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