Despite using multiple outreach methods, recruitment took six months, and we weren't able to recruit participants from two states who met the inclusion criteria. These gaps might be due to existing barriers to reaching staff nurses who met the study criteria and to the likelihood that many committee meetings stopped at the onset of the pandemic. To give nurses a better sense of their anonymity as study participants, we asked them to provide only the zip code of their hospital. This limited the organizational information we could report (for example, the profit or nonprofit status of participants' workplaces). We also did not ask participants whether their hospital engaged in collective bargaining or if they themselves were union members. Four nurses volunteered this information, but because we didn't ask all participants to provide it, we cannot include it as a descriptive statistic. Lastly, there are areas of possible conceptual and practical overlap between nurse staffing committee laws and nursing recognition models such as the Magnet Recognition Program, which already supports concepts like shared governance.19 This could affect interpretation of the results (for example, we can't determine the degree to which study participants' experiences might reflect the impact of state laws versus recognition models).
1. What were the limitations of the study?
2. What were the overall findings? Need Assignment Help?
3. What was one interesting detail you learned from reading this study?