
What were the consequences of the protestant reformation



Using a word processing program, create a well-structured 500 to 750 word essay that answers ONE of the following questions.

Read each question carefully. State your general points first in an introductory paragraph then, in subsequent paragraphs, support each general point with specific historical facts and illustrative examples. Incorporate materials from the textbook, the documents, the assigned videos and other assigned materials in your answer.

What were the primary causes and consequences of the Protestant Reformation? How did the Reformation (and Counter-Reformation) change Europe between 1500 and 1648? Consider political, economic, and social issues.

What were the political, economic, and social consequences of the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution from 1500 to 1750?

Why were some rulers able to establish "absolute" monarchies in the 17th and 18th centuries while other rulers were not? What is "absolute" monarchy? Provide specific examples of success and failure.

Use the SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT link above to open the response window. Attach your response as a word processing document.


This is a "take-home" assignment. You will have your text book, your readings, and your online class resources available to you as you write your essay. Use them. You need to supply specific details and evidence in support of your essays. By specific I mean specific names, events, locations, dates, as well as detailed explanations.

Please do not consult any outside sources while preparing your essays; the assigned class materials will provide you with all you need to answer these questions.

You may go over the word limit on the essays if you need more space to explain your answers. Not by too much, but having to read an extra 100 to 200 words won't hurt me.

Think about your answer before your start writing. Prepare a simple outline. Make a list of the events, people, ideas, and documents you want to discuss, and make sure your final essay touches on all of them.

The documents are an excellent source for specific details. If you use them, be sure to mention them by name. You don't need a formal citation when you reference the text book or a document, this is an analytic essay, not a research paper.

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History: What were the consequences of the protestant reformation
Reference No:- TGS03179785

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