What were the consequences of the civil rights movement

Section One: Identifications:

Identify the following two terms (be sure to consider historical significance):

1) Plan of San Diego

2) Sweatt v. Painter

Section Two: Essay Question:

From the 1930s to the early 1970s, there was a growing movement for civil rights in Texas for both Mexican Americans and African Americans. What were some of the early organizations and individuals who led the cause of civil rights for both groups? Discuss the key court cases fought in the 1930s-1960s concerning civil rights. Consider civil rights development at the legal, political and social level-including education. How were high schools impacted by civil rights in Texas? How did LBJ shape the civil rights movement? What legislation did he sponsor and why? Discuss changes in the civil rights movement, including its more radical shift in the late 1960s and 1970s. What were the consequences of the civil rights movement?

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History: What were the consequences of the civil rights movement
Reference No:- TGS03361295

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