
What were the consequences

After reading through the end of Act III of Hamlet, copy and paste the questions below into a Word document. Then, answer each of the questions in paragraph form.

1.Shakespeare employs the use of the dramatic device called a "play within a play." Hamlet arranges for the players to perform a play called the Murder of Gonzago, which mirrors some of the action of the play Hamlet itself. Before the play begins, Hamlet informs his friend Horatio the reason he has done this. What is the purpose of the play, and how will it help Hamlet? What does he ask Horatio to do to help?

2.Hamlet is a play about revenge. Hamlet believes his uncle Claudius has murdered Hamlet's father in order to become king. In addition, Claudius has even married Hamlet's mother. How common is revenge in daily life? Have you or anyone you know ever acted out of revenge? Have you ever seen it in the movies? Write a paragraph, real or fiction, that illustrates an act of revenge and what were the consequences 

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English: What were the consequences
Reference No:- TGS072678

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