
What were the capitulations in the ottoman empire what

  1. Taking into account the sources of Islamic law, what changes did theulamain Persia undergo during the reign of Shah Abbas I (1587-1629) that would have direct influence on the Iranian Revolution of 1979?
  2. What is pan-Slavism and how does it relate to the Muslim world?
  3. What were the Capitulations in the Ottoman Empire? What consequences did they have?
  4. Discuss briefly the new order (nizam-i-jedid) established in the Ottoman Empire under Selim III, and explain its significance from a military, political, and cultural perspective.
  5. To what extent did Islamic rulers use education to achieve reform, and what factors that still exist in the Middle East today hindered their progress?

Essay Questions

Your answers to the Essay Questions should be between 500 words for each question. (Total 4 pages)

  1. Define the termmamluk, and discuss why the Mamluk system of government was a success in the Middle East for over 250 years.
  2. Trace the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire from its early beginnings to the the Treaty of Karlowitz (1699). Discuss why the Ottomans were so successful and what contributed to their decline.


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