
What were the businesses challenges facing maruti suzuki

The assignment for Case 4 is two parts. The materials in the Case will demonstrate why it is important to view databases as a set of technologies to support efficient operations, business collaboration, and decision making.

You will be introduced to concepts like data warehouses, data marts, data mining, and business intelligence as the survival strategies in today's competitive environment.

Required Reading
Gallaugher, J. (2012). Information Systems: A Harnessing Guide to Information Technology. FlatWorld Knowledge. Gallaugher Chapter 11 -


Gallaugher, J. (2012). Information Systems: A Harnessing Guide to Information Technology.Gallaugher - Chapter 11 PPT [PowerPoint slides].
Oracle. (2009). Maruti Suzuki Business Intelligence and Enterprise. [Video file]. Retrieved fromhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZWAzbRm-ms

Optional Reading
Tossy, M. (2011). Database design and normalization. Retrieved fromhttps://www.jpmartel.com/bu12ce03.htm
Tossy, M. (2011). The Dbase tables. Retrieved from https://www.jpmartel.com/bu12ce02.htm

Case Assignment Part I

Maruti Suzuki

According to Oracle (2009), "for the past 25 years, Maruti Suzuki has been the industry leader in India's passenger car market, the fastest growing in world. Since 1995, Maruti Suzuki has built its IT infrastructure on Oracle database and technologies including Oracle Real Application Clusters, Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Server and Weblogic. Maruti Suzuki has built its Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system on Oracle E-Business Suite and added Hyperion Enterprise to further enhance financial consolidation and reporting efficiency."

Oracle Corporation

You may find some of the terms used in the Maruti Suzuki video are new and refer to specific elements of Oracle's suite. For this reason, the following literature was compiled and included here directly from Oracle (2009).

Oracle Corporation specializes in developing and marketing enterprise software products particularly database management systems. Through organic growth and a number of high-profile acquisitions, Oracle enlarged its share of the software market. By 2007 Oracle ranked third on the list of largest software companies in the world, after Microsoft and IBM. Subsequently it became larger than IBM after its acquisition of Hyperion and BEA.

The corporation has arguably become best-known due to association with its flagship Oracle database. The company also builds tools for database development, middle-tier software, enterprise resource planning software (ERP), customer relationship management software (CRM) and supply chain management (SCM) software.

Oracle's Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC), is an option to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition. RAC supports the deployment of a single database across a cluster of servers located throughout the firm providing fault tolerance, performance and scalability with no application changes necessary.

Oracle's Fusion Middleware is a set of software services (applications) that enable multiple applications in a firm (often from different vendors) to work together by sharing information. So-called "middleware" can be purchased from many large vendors like IBM, HP, Microsoft as well as from thousands of smaller suppliers. Most important, middleware enables a firm to retain older legacy systems and put them to use in a modern, distributed, TCP/IP communications oriented environment.

Hyperion is a performance-oriented management software, sometimes also called business intelligence software. It is an application that works with Oracle databases and Oracle data warehouses to provide real-time data, as well as periodic MIS reports, to managers. Hyperion supports near real-time transaction reporting, graphics and summaries of data, and management dashboards. Together these tools make up Oracle's "E-business suite."

After reading the course materials and watching the video, please answer the following questions in 3-4 pages.

1. What were the businesses challenges facing Maruti Suzuki management prior to adopting the Oracle suite?

2. What advantages does Maruti Suzuki derive from working with a single vendor, Oracle? What are the possible risks of working with a single vendor?

3. What were the important business factors which management used to evaluate Oracle's database offerings?

4. Why was it important that a vendor's products be able to integrate with "legacy systems"?

Case Assignment Part II

For part II, the main readings for the second part of the case are focused on Gallaugher's Chapter 12, A Managers Guide to the Internet and Telecommunications. Chapter 12 describes the various technologies that make up the Internet infrastructure in order to find the information that one looks for and require to access. For the information to travel fast, the Internet needs the speed and capacity of telecommunication systems, which is known as bandwidth. The speed and capacity of data transmission are measured in bits per second (BPS) or commonly referred as baud rate. For transmission purposes, narrow band channels operate low speed transmission rates of 64K BPS whereas medium speed channels transmit at the speed of 100 MBS.

As stated in Laudon and Laudon (2012) learning track 4, broadband channels provide high-speed transmission rates of 256,000 BPS to billion BPS. The various channels for transmission use microwave, fiber optics, or satellite transmissions, for which each have their own transmission speed.

Required Reading

Gallaugher, J. (2012). Information Systems: A Harnessing Guide to Information Technology. FlatWorld Knowledge. Gallaugher Chapter 12 - E-textbook

Gallaugher, J. (2012). Information Systems: A Harnessing Guide to Information Technology. Gallaugher - Chapter 12 PPT [PowerPoint slides].

Laudon, K., & Laudon, J. (2012). Essentials of MIS. (10th Ed.). Learning Track 2: Broadband network services and technologies. Retrieved fromhttps://wps.prenhall.com/wps/media/objects/14071/14409392/Learning_Tracks/Ess10_Ch06_LT2_Broadband_Network_Services_and_Technologies.pdf

Case Assignment Part III

After reading the course materials, please answer the following questions in 3-4 pages.

What advantages could broadband offer to underserved areas of the world? Is Internet access important for economic development? Why or why not?

Assignment Expectations

Your paper should be short (6-8 pages, not including cover sheet and references) and to the point. It is to be structured as a point/counterpoint argument, in the following manner.

You are expected to:

- Begin this paper by stating your position on these questions clearly and concisely

- Cite appropriate sources and answer questions directly. Be sure to make the most effective case you can. Then present the best evidence you can, again citing three appropriate outside sources.

You will be particularly assessed on:

- Your ability to see what the module is all about and to structure your paper accordingly.

- Your informed commentary and analysis -- simply repeating what your sources say does not constitute an adequate paper.

- Your ability to apply the professional language and terminology of systems design and analysis correctly and in context; you are expected to be familiar with this language and use it appropriately.

Your effective and appropriate use of in-text citations to the assigned readings and other source material to support your arguments. Refer to the TUI Course Guidelines and or the Purdue University APA formatting and style guide (see optional readings for Module 1) for the proper formats.

The SLP continues with a few more videos and a short video case to illustrate the use of data mining and analytics as the foundation for business strategies and practices using databases. The SLP also has two parts to the assignment.

SLP Assignment Part I


To provide some background to the video case, REI (Recreational Equipment Inc.) is an American consumers' cooperative, selling outdoor recreation gear and sporting goods. REI sells to its members through an E-commerce site, hardcopy catalogs, and through 90 brick and mortar stores located in 27 states. REI is the largest consumer co-op in the U.S and faces competition from many other sporting goods retailers.

To better understand and serve its 3 million active co-op members and customers, REI launched an initiative to build a data warehouse containing many different types of information about its customers. REI needs to know precisely what customers do in the outdoors. With the help of IBM, REI's data warehouse allows the organization to identify and organize all of the ways that each customer interacts with the company, including what they bought online or at retail outlets, whether they attended special training sessions for equipment and outdoor activities, or what items they returned.

REI uses IBM data warehousing technology to achieve its vision of understanding what its customers want, and how they want to interact with the company. REI also deployed IBM's DB2 9 Viper technology to run REI's marketing campaigns. REI's site recognizes its members when they log in, allowing them to serve up content customized to individual users.

Required Reading

REI. (2009). REI builds a smart sporting warehouse with DB2. [Video file]. Retrieved fromhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KEkA3O784s&feature=related

SASsoftware. (2011). Manage the data deluge with data mining and predictive analytics. [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIcmd5zfu3c

SASsoftware. (2011). Manage all unstructured data with SAS text analytics. [Video file]. Retrieved fromhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHAq8jG4FX4&feature=relmfu

After watching the videos and REI in particular, please answer the following questions in 3-4 pages.

1. What is a data warehouse and why is REI building one?

2. Describe some of the marketing strategies that REI's data warehouse will allow them to use. Would these have been possible before the data warehouse was built?

3. What are some of the risks or concerns surrounding the creation of a data warehouse?

4. Why do you think REI chose to work with IBM's data warehouse technology?

SLP Assignment Part II

Following a brief discussion of Internet technologies in Case 4, the SLP looks into the impact mobile technologies are having on e-commerce as well as the collaboration tools that can be delivered through TelePresence systems.

The concept of mobile e-commerce arose in the 1990's as the technology moved from informational Internet to a medium to communicate between buyers and sellers. Through the use of smart phones, mobile commerce has expanded to mobile banking, ticketing, broker auctions, purchasing, and marketing and advertising. The following article discusses the growth and Internet usage through mobile devices.

Laudon, K., & Laudon, J. (2012). Essentials of MIS. (10th Ed.). Learning Track 4: The emerging mobile digital platform: E-commerce and business impact. Retrieved fromhttps://wps.prenhall.com/wps/media/objects/14071/14409392/Learning_Tracks/Ess10_CH01_LT4_The_Emerging_Mobile_Digital_Platform.pdf

According to Laudon and Laudon (2012), "TelePresence refers to a set of technologies which allows a person to feel as if they were present at a location remote from their own physical location; or, a set of technologies that enables realistic group meetings among geographically remote sites. TelePresence is not the same as virtual reality because the actors involved in TelePresence are human beings, not avatars. TelePresence has many current and potential business applications such as enhancing social networks, remote observation of dangerous environments like subsea cables and nuclear reactors, and remote surgery" (p.4).

To illustrate TelePresence, in the first video, Cisco CEO John Chambers demonstrates the use of holograms over the Internet to create TelePresence. In the second video, Cisco uses its TelePresence technology to have the first global, life-size, high-definition virtual company meeting. Multiple offices throughout the globe were simultaneously connected.

Cisco (2008, November 6). Cisco TelePresence magic. [Video file]. Retrieved fromhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcfNC_x0VvE

Cisco (2008, November 8). Cisco TelePresence: It's about the experience. [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kY266SrNSI&feature=relmfu

After reading the course materials, please answer the following questions.

What are the business benefits of TelePresence described in these videos? What is the benefit of a hologram? What kinds of limitations do you see for users of TelePresence?

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated on the following criteria:

- Answer the questions and the accompanying explanation must be written in 4-6 pages and be double spaced. Include a cover page and two outside references with the assignment.

- The essay will be graded on these requirements

- Precision: the question asked is answered.

- Clarity: Your answer is clear and shows your good understanding of the topic.

- Breadth and Depth: The scope covered in your answer is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the learning objectives of the module.

- Critical thinking: Incorporate your reactions, examples, and applications of the material to business that illustrate your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts.

- Your short essay is well written and the references are properly cited and listed.

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Computer Networking: What were the businesses challenges facing maruti suzuki
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