
What were the americas like

1.In an essay, discuss the importance of the "discovery" of the Americas by Europeans in 1492. What was Europe like pre-1492? What were the Americas like? What is the significance of Christopher Columbus in changing how both Europeans and Native Americans understood the world after 1492?

2. Between 1492 and 1732, the "big 3" European colonizers of the New World (Spain, France, and England) established colonies all over the Americas. In an essay, compare and contrast their empires. How did each understand the ideas of "God, Gold, and Glory"? How did they interact with Native Americans? How did they interact with each other? How did England end up as the dominate imperial power in North America?

3. England's colonization produced a wide variety of colonies. In an essay, discuss the two main models of England's colonies in the New World, making sure to highlight the importance in cash crops and the reliance on slavery that they bred. How did slavery impact these colonial models?


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History: What were the americas like
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