
What were the aesthetic aims of gothic literature

Disuccion questions:

Write a paragraph or two on each discussion question. Please Include sources, if any.

1. Chapter- Gothic Literature: Edgar Allan Poe

Provide the date, location, and who wrote the article. Why is this article reliable as a primary source? What segment of culture does this article relate to?

Questions: What were the aesthetic aims of Gothic literature? How did it come to be called "Gothic:? How did its values relate to those of the Romantic movement as a whole? What are some of the examples of the "Gothic" style contained in this excerpt? What made it ‘Gothic'? How is Poe considered part of the Romantic movement? What aspects of Poe's writing gave it its unique qualities?

2. Chapter- Indian in Blood, English in Taste and Intellect:

Provide the date, location, and who wrote the article. Why is this article reliable as a primary source? What segment of culture does this article relate to?

Questions: How does he author of this document justify the teaching of the English language? Are his arguments persuasive? Is Macaulay an objective observer of Indian culture and literature? Is Macaulay's consideration of the matter of language choice based on objective criteria (why or why not)?

3. Program for a New China

Provide the date, location, and who wrote the article. Why is this article reliable as a primary source? What segment of culture does this article relate to?

Questions: How do Sun Yat-sen's proposals compare with those advanced by Wang Tao earlier in the chapter? Can Sun be described as a Chinese nationalist? Is Sun Yat-sen's program democratic and/or socialist? Are his reservations about immediate democracy for China realistic or are they merely a political justification for achieving power? How much of Sun's program reflected traditional Chinese attitudes and how many could be considered modern?

4. The Reality of War: Trench Warfare

Provide the date, location, and who wrote the article. Why is this article reliable as a primary source? What segment of culture does this article relate to?

Questions: What is causing the ‘madness and despair' Remarque describes in the trenches? Why does the recruit in this scene apparently go insane? Why did the rats, the seemingly unending series of attacks and the deaths continue for so many years? Why did the soldiers of the various armies continue to accept such conditions instead of mutinying or rebelling? Would Dadaism have seemed reasonable to such soldiers?

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Other Subject: What were the aesthetic aims of gothic literature
Reference No:- TGS02019095

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