Once again, you will view a TED Talk video that is directly related to the course content this week and then reflect on what you have learned in a graded blog activity. This introductory activity helps learners to think about and explore the meaningfulness of the course content covered in the module, with a focus on the factors influencing growth and health during the school years and how this relates to your current and/or future job and career.
By successfully completing this reflection activity, you will demonstrate Module Outcome 1: Explain the ways children grow during the school years and the factors that influence their growth and health.
Begin by watching the TED Talk by Georgette Mulheir: The Tragedy of Orphanages [Video file, 10:36 mins]. Then reflect on your own thoughts and ideas about the content of the video by writing answers to the following:
- What were some of your reactions to the video?
- Explain the important physical, cognitive, and social/personality growth that occurs in middle school children.
- What are some of the environmental factors that impact (positively or negatively) growth during this developmental period?
- How can what you learned in this video related your current or future employment? Be as specific as you can.