
What were attitudes and symbols important in your family


1. Describe the family you grew up in. A family cannot be a culture by itself, but every family has its own way of acting and thinking. What were the attitudes, behaviors, and symbols important in your family? Do you plan to pass these on to the next generation?

2. Now that you have described your family, step back and look at the big picture. Families may be unique but they are all embedded in a larger culture, and sometimes several. Remembering the definition from our text, identify cultures of which you are a part. Which one do you most identify with? This is the culture you will be discussing for the rest of the Assignment.

3. Describe the attitudes, behaviors, and symbols that define the culture with which you most identify.

4. Assess your culture in terms of power distance, traditional/nontraditional, and collectivism/individualism. Do these dimensions, based on the largest scale of culture, apply in your setting? (For example, American culture overall is considered to be individualistic, but you may feel that in your area collectivism is stronger.

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