
What well-known multinationals experienced in your country


Give out a short commentary that outlines the business environment of Cambodia and how it poses challenges for multinational firms. Preferably, provide a comprehensive overview first and then delve into a specific aspect worth in-depth analysis and elaboration. Consider:

1) The implications of economic development level and institutional conditions (formal institutions, social norms, and culture)

2) Are these implications general, or specific to multinationals from certain industries? Why?

3) Support the point with data from common rankings and database (e.g., World Bank, IMF, Transparency International, etc). Cite your data sources accordingly.

4) Support the point using anecdotal cases or news reports of what well-known multinationals experienced in your country. What happened and why?

5) Propose solutions corresponding to the challenges you identify. Take the multinational's perspective (not the government).

6) Toward the end of your commentary, reflect on Covid and recent geopolitical changes (e.g., trade dispute, protectionism, regional integration, etc). Do they amplify the existing challenges, and if so, in what ways? Or do they pose new challenges? Do they offer opportunities to overcome the challenges?

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