
What ways can a consumer be exposed to a marketing stimulus


Part 1

Please make sure you clearly indicate the questions you decide to do by copying and pasting the question and putting your answer below it.

Part 2
1. Why does value differ from one consumer to the next?

2. List and describe three examples of products you have consumed that provide high utilitarian value. List and describe three examples of items that provide high hedonic value. Think of at least one product or brand that you would associate with both high utilitarian and hedonic value.

3. In what ways can using Twitter to tweet to others provide value? What type of value does tweeting provide?

4. What is marketing myopia? How does it relate to the total value concept? Does it apply equally today as thirty years ago?

5. What is a perceptual map? What are the dimensions of a perceptual map?

Part 3

6. In what ways can a consumer be exposed to a marketing stimulus?

7. List and describe the stages in the consumer perception process.

8. Define anthropomorphism. How can it be used in trying to sell a product like an automobile or bottled beverage?

9. What do you think of the ethics of subliminal advertising attempts or sexually embedded advertising? Why do you believe that there have been so few legal actions aimed at stopping subliminal advertising?

10. Explain under what conditions a marketer might believe that an advertising execution involving mere exposure might effectively cause consumers to "learn" to like a product. How would a researcher test to see whether the mere exposure effect held for brand logos?

Part 4

11. What is comprehension? What are the three categories of factors that affect consumer comprehension? Provide an example of each.

12. List and explain the physical characteristics that can influence the comprehension of a message.

13. What are the characteristics of a spokesperson that influence comprehension? Do these apply equally to human and animated characters?

14. What message receiver characteristics affect comprehension of a message?

15. How does the concept of script schema apply to a consumer's visit to the dentist? Explain your answer.

Part 5

16. Explain the concept of consumer motivation.

17. What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs? List each category of needs in order, and provide an example of products associated with each.

18. What is an emotional contagion? Give an example.

19. What are self-conscious emotions? Provide examples of appeals that evoke these emotions from advertisements.

20. What are some visceral responses to different emotions?

Part 6

21. What is meant by the term "personality"? What are the major qualities of personality? What does it mean that personality is unique to the individual?

22. Describe the trait approach to studying consumer personality.

23. What does it mean to possess a strong degree of self-monitoring? What types of advertisements would be most effective for people who do have a high degree of this trait? What would you suggest to advertisers who are trying to reach these consumers?

24. Discuss the various types of "selves" that consumer researchers have identified.

25. What are the distinctions between lifestyles, psychographics, and demographics? How can consumer researchers use information based on these concepts?

Part 7

26. What is meant by the term "consumer attitudes"? Why do you think attitudes play such an important role in consumer behavior?

27. Describe the ABC approach to consumer attitudes. How do the various components apply to your daily life as a consumer?

28. What are the 4 functions of attitudes? Be specific and give examples.

29. Describe some ways in which attitudes can be changed.

30. Explain the Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion, and how attitude change can result based on this model.

Part 8

31. What role does social media play in consumer word-of-mouth?

32. What is social buying and couponing? Why do you think it has become so popular?

33. List and describe the different types of reference groups.

34. Describe some recent trends in the American family. How can marketers use some of these trends to their advantage? Be specific.

35. How has children's role in the family changed? What implications does this have for the consumer behavior with regard to the family unit?

Part 9

36. What is culture? How does it have an influence on consumer behavior?

37. What is meant when one says that "culture gives meaning to objects and activities"?

38. List and briefly describe each of the five dimensions of cultural values.

39. What do the terms acculturation and enculturation mean and how do they affect consumer behavior?

40. What are the basic elements of nonverbal communication?

Part 10

41. How do microcultures affect value?

42. What are the major U.S. microcultures? Describe in detail.

43. What are some of the distinguishing characteristics of the Millennial microculture in the U.S.?

44. How is the middle class microculture evolving in various regions of the world?

45. What is the major factor that is influencing the increase in cultural diversity worldwide?

Part 11

46. What are the three main categories of situational influences on consumers?

47. What are temporal factors in CB? List 3 ways in which temporal factors affect CB.

48. What are the four different types of shopping activities discussed in the chapter?

49. What are the key distinctions between impulse, unplanned, and compulsive consumer behaviors?

50. List at least three ways in which social influences affect consumer behavior.

Part 12

51. Describe each of the steps in the consumer decision-making process.

52. Describe each of the three major decision-making perspectives.

53. Discuss what is meant by extended, limited, and habitual decision making.

54. How do the various types of risks influence consumer decision making?

55. What types of technologies are affecting consumer search behavior?

Part 13

56. Describe evaluative and determinant criteria. What is the difference between them? What attributes do you consider to be evaluative and determinant criteria in the selection of a new apartment?

57. What is the relationship between utilitarian and hedonic value and the evaluation of alternatives?

58. What role does product categorization play in the alternative evaluation process?

59. Discuss the major types of noncompensatory decision-making rules. How are they different from compensatory rules?

60. In your opinion, which noncompensatory rule is most common? Provide reasons why you think so.

Part 14

61. What is consumer satisfaction?

62. What is the definition of dissatisfaction?

63. How does the expectancy/disconfirmation process work?

64. What are the key elements of a consumer's attribution?

65. What are the problems associated with measuring consumer satisfaction?

Part 15

66. Describe the behavioral outcomes of consumption.

67. What are the different types of switching costs that a consumer faces? Provide examples of each from your own consumer experiences.

68. What is relationship quality, and how does a relationship create value?

69. What are the different ways in which a firm can react to negative public publicity?

70. Name two retail stores that have succeeded by providing shopping value to consumers. How does the value each creates contribute to a lasting relationship between the firm and its loyal consumers?

Part 16

71. What is meant by "marketing ethics"? How is it related to the marketing concept?

72. What is meant by the term "corporate social responsibility"? How is it related to the societal marketing concept?

73. What are some key pieces of legislation that have been passed in the last decade that affect marketing practice?

74. What constitutes "deceptive marketing" according to the FTC?

75. What are the major forms of manipulative sales tactics that are discussed in this chapter?

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Marketing Management: What ways can a consumer be exposed to a marketing stimulus
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