
What ways are teaching children from diverse cultures


I am having difficulties with some questions regarding special education, and really need some help.

1. In what ways are teaching children from diverse cultures a special challenge?

2. The debate over the efficacy of billingual instruction has gone on for years and will most likely continue in this country. What are the pros and cons of billingual instruction versus total immersion?

3. Which do you believe is more effective and why?

4. Do you think all classes should be taught in English in public schools (excepting of course foreign language classes)?

5. Do you think high stakes testing is prejudicial to students who are not native English speakers? Why or Why not?

6. What would you do, if anything, to resolve any prejudice?

7. Are high stakes testing prejudicial to students from low SES? Why or why not?

8. What would you do, if anything, to resolve any prejudice?

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Other Subject: What ways are teaching children from diverse cultures
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