What was your reaction to the film - selma

Assignment Task: The movie is called "Selma" by DuVernay.


In one complete paragraph, summarize the film briefly and describe how it covered aspects of race/racism, privilege, and/or police brutality.


In one complete paragraph, reflect on the following questions:

a. What was your reaction to the film? What emotions and feelings did it generate when learning about the content presented?

b. How did the film change or confirm your perspective of the issues presented?

c. What did you find the most interesting in this film?

d. How is what you learned related to the concepts covered in this class?


In one complete paragraph that addresses all of the following, provide a critique about how the movie presented topics of race/racism, privilege, and/or police brutality. Did it provide an accurate portrayal? Why or why not? How is this portrayal different or the same from what is happening today?

How would you have changed or improved the film?


In about a paragraph, answer the following:

a. After learning what you learned in the film, what actions could you personally take to become better informed about the topics presented and/or create change.

b. What actions should the police, government, education, or other institutions take to address some of the issues presented in the film?

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Reference No:- TGS03361335

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