
What was your first reaction to the results your career

Kuder Assessment and Major Research Reflection-

Students will take Kuder Career Interests Assessment and Kuder Work Values Assessment. Based on the assessment results, the lecture in class based on the Kuder assessment, and research related to majors linked to Kuder assessment, students will write a 500 word reflection and complete a major worksheet.

A. 500 Word Reflection Paper Analyze the results and integrate the results into your current and future career path. Utilize critical thinking. The paper should be an integrative essays done in paragraph format

Within the essay, students should answer the following questions in a paragraph format.

1) What was your first reaction to the results; your career interest and work values assessment? Do the descriptions seem accurate for you? Why or why not?

2) How do the results of your Kuder career interests report match-up with your previous interests (think of favorite classes in high school, hobbies, and areas of interest)? In other words contrast your results with your own self-knowledge.

3) How do the results of your Kuder career interest report match-up with your me3 career recommendations? Which do you believe to be the more accurate? Explain.

4) Now that you know this information from your assessment - what will you do with this information? Discuss how you will take that information and use it as you decide on a major. Be Specific.

B. Major Worksheet Complete a worksheet based on information researched on ASU major website (e.g. major map) linked to their assessment results. The Major Research worksheet is included in this guideline document and should be uploaded with the reflection paper.

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English: What was your first reaction to the results your career
Reference No:- TGS01044993

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