This assignment helps students begin to notice patterns across clinical situations and note variances and what to do about them.
A. Find 2 patients with the same/similar diagnosis or reason for appointment
B. Identify the diagnosis/reason for appointment-
Gather information to use in the compare and contrast portion of the assignment
A. What was their medical surgical history?
B. Define 2 primary medical problems/diagnosis with pathophysiology
C. List all Medications the patient is currently taking, as identified in the EHR
Compare and Contrast the following:
A. Identify assessment findings - note specific findings that are out of range and current prescribed or medical interventions related to findings.
B. Teaching/Education - What education would be appropriate for these patients? How would you customize your teaching for each patient?
C. Examine and Compare what the text book or literature says in comparison or contrast to what your patient looks like
D. Research: Evidence Based Practice (EBP) in a Professional Nursing Journal related to your client category, diagnosis, treatment, etc. (must be cited/referenced in the assignment).
a. How does this relate to our patients?
b. Did this apply in the clinical setting?
c. Was this research integrated into the clinical setting, treatment, etc.