
What was the very first artwork you remember doing how did

General Education ePortfolio

Each student in General Education courses at SLCC will maintain a General Education ePortfolio. Instructors in every Gen Ed course will ask you to put at least one assignment from the course into your ePortfolio, and accompany it with reflective writing. It is a requirement in this class for you to add to your ePortfolio. Your ePortfolio will allow you to include your educational goals, describe your extracurricular activities, and post your resume.

When you finish your time at SLCC, your ePortfolio will then be a multi-media showcase of your educational experience. For detailed information including a Student ePortfolio Handbook, video tutorials for each ePortfolio platform, classes, locations and times of free workshops and other in-person help

ePortfolio for Art 1010

The SLCC ePortfolio requirement for Art 1010 is designed to fulfill two objectives:

1. Create an opportunity for students to reflect on artwork they learn about in class and to connect that learning to experiences outside of the classroom.

2. To be a location to preserve assignments from their Art 1010 class.

3. To develop aesthetic literacy for communicating ideas through online media

Reflective Responses

Students will write a response to readings as wells as one stimulus question. Students must create a response entry for each week, beginning on the second week of class (the prior period is devoted to creating their ePortfolio / Art 1010 page). Stimulus questions are listed below required Stimulus Questions are in BOLD.

1. Create a title for your entry

2. Introduce your topic

3. Share your ideas

4. Provide supporting information or documentation, as applicable

5. Create a list of five things you learned or were interested in from the assigned readings

6. Additionally, respond to one stimulus question (must be at least 250 words)

7. Provide a visual for each entry. Visual can come from art assignments, sketches or your own photo documentation (prior to photographing art work, be sure to get permission from the artist)

ePortfolio Stimulus Questions:

1. What role does art making or art viewing have in your life? What is your experience with art?

2. What was the very first artwork you remember doing? How did you feel about it when you made it?

3. Select a work of art from the assigned reading. Describe the formal elements of the artwork in such a way that someone who has not seen the artwork would recognize it.

4. Select a work of art from the assigned reading that you like. Describe it and explain what you like about it. Be sure to use formal elements and psychological responses.

5. Select a work of art from the assigned reading that you don't like. Describe it and explain what you don't like about it. Be sure to use formal elements and psychological responses.

6. Select an artist from the assigned reading. Identify one or two major influences on that artist and how those influences manifest in the artist's work. (You may need to look up additional material about the artist)

7. Notice a billboard, a poster, a sign, or an advertisement. Describe it using formal elements. Consider any memory, emotion, or psychological response you may have to seeing it. Consider why it looks the way it does and reflect on whether it is effective in its intended purpose, or what would make it more effective.

8. Describe your current art assignment for class. Have you done this kind of assignment before or is it new to you? What was it like to work on it?

9. Create your own stimulus question reflection.

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