Question 1
This power meant that those newly elected could appoint people to jobs in their sphere of authority.
a. Plutarch
b. Prescient
c. Patronage
d. Paternalism
e. Politics
Question 2
Which of the following industries was the United States not a world leader in by 1900?
a. gold
b. Oil
c. cotton
d. steel
e. Wheat
Question 3
_____________________ is the informal system of governing property on the unfenced frontier.
a. Range war
b. Long ranging
c. Plains ranging
d. Open range
e. Free ranging
Question 4
Thanks to the electrical light,
a. factories made more light bulbs.
b. more immigrants were hired to fill vacancies.
c. unskilled workers could go to college in the evenings and learn a skill.
d. owners made their workers work longer.
e. more shifts were possible for more pay.
Question 5
The "frontier thesis" focused primarily on
a. Indian women.
b. black women.
c. white women.
d. Indian men.
e. Christian white men.
Question 6
What was the United States' first billion-dollar corporation?
a. United States Steel Corporation
b. Northern Pacific Railroad
c. Standard Oil
d. Standard Oil
e. Sherman Trust Company
Question 7
Unlike the Grange, the ____________ promoted political involvement among its members to enact change for their members.
a. Congress of International Workers
b. Farmers' Alliances
c. Knights of Labor
d. Working Man's party
e. American Federation of Labor
Question 8
The Homestead Strike ended with
a. the workers' union destroyed and their leaders imprisoned.
b. a 10 percent raise in pay for all piece work.
c. the Pinkerton Detective Agency being hired to break up the strike.
d. the abolishment of immigrant labor at the plant.
e. the establishment of an 8-hour day.
Question 9
The Legal Tender Act of 1862
a. led to the depression of 1872.
b. forbade the printing of paper currency.
c. allowed for the printing of paper currency.
d. called for the coinage of money in gold.
e. called for the coinage of money in gold and silver.
Question 10
The chilled-iron "sodbuster" plow was developed by
a. Henry Comstock.
b. Joseph G. McCoy.
c. James Oliver.
d. Albert Singer.
e. Cyrus McCormick.
Question 11
The type of cattle that came from Texas to Abilene on the cattle drives were
a. Herefords
b. Texas Longhorns
c. Guernseys
d. ngus
e. Shorthorns
Question 12
The post-Civil War South industrialized in all of the following areas except
a. the production of iron ore.
b. the tobacco industry.
c. he coal industry.
d. the weapons industry.
e. the housing industry.
Question 13
_____________________ was the name given to the violent racism against successful blacks that appeared in late 19th century.
a. Prejudice
b. Racism
c. im Crow
d. Segregation
e. Negrophobia
Question 14
According to Frederick Jackson Turner, the frontier
a. sparked the Industrial Revolution.
b. delayed America's political growth.
c. urt America's economic development.
d. caused Americans to be morally weak.
e. defined and shaped America.
Question 15
Overcrowded, filthy, and poorly maintained ___________ were where the poor of the urban areas lived.
a. tenements
b. skyscrapers
c. central housing authorities
d. overnment housing
e. colonias
Question 16
After the Civil War, what was the complaint about the federal tariff?
a. It was not high enough.
b. It was not generating enough revenue.
c. It was not forcing American companies to be competitive with their prices.
d. t was allowing too many foreign imports into the American market.
e. It was no longer needed.
Question 17
Which of the following was developed before the Civil War?
a. Typewriters
b. Steam turbines
c. Vacuum cleaner
d. Cotton gin
e. Telephone
Question 18
After the Civil War two new "frontiers" of opportunity emerged in the United States. They were
a. the North and East.
b. the South and East.
c. the North and South.
d. the South and West.
e. the North and West.
Question 19
Because of this machine, and the belief that women were more dexterous than men, the post-Civil War era saw an increase in the female workforce in businesses.
a. Gas light
b. Sewing machine
c. Vacuum cleaner
d. Typewriter
e. Cotton gin
Question 20
The end of the Pullman Strike came when
a. President Cleveland dispatched federal troops to remove train cars from the tracks.
b. the Pinkerton Detective Agency was called in to bust up the strike.
c. the Supreme Court ruled that unions did not have federally protected civil rights.
d. Eugene V. Debs was thrown in jail for his communist beliefs.
e. the Haymarket Riot killed the Knights of Labor union and they could no longer fund it.