
What was the subject of the reading what was the main idea

Reading Assignment: Reflection Essay

You will write a short reflection essay on an assigned reading. This essay should be in your own words, demonstrate persuasive expositional style, incorporate professional syntax and diction, and communicate critical thinking and understanding. Your personal thoughts, feelings, reactions and conclusions should be supported by argument and examples.

The essay will consist of three paragraphs, each containing five sentences. The paragraphs will conform to classical paragraph structure: first, one topic sentence; followed by three supporting statement sentences; and last, a concluding sentence, which should be your reader's take-away.

Paragraph 1 - What was the subject of the reading? What was the main idea advanced by the writer, or the key point made? What did you find most interesting, or important?

Paragraph 2 - Why did you find the subject, or the main idea, important? What was its special significance? What does it mean to you?

Paragraph 3 - What have you learned? How has your thinking changed? Are you motivated to take further action? If so, what?

This project will be assessed for form as well as content - your essay must be neat, well organized, and easy to read. Assessable criteria include spelling, punctuation, usage, agreement, syntax & grammar; typographic selection & usage; page layout & the arrangement of text on the page; and the care and consistency with which it is executed. Your essay is due at the start of the next class, and must be bound into your final portfolio to be turned in at the end of the quarter.

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Dissertation: What was the subject of the reading what was the main idea
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