
What was the size of group in intervention


Textbook: Cook. G., Hodgson, P., Thompson, J., Bainbridge, L., Johnson, A., & Storey, P. (2019). Hydration Interventions for older people living in residential and nursing care homes: Overview of the literature. British Medical Bulletin, 131(1), 71-79.


Critically analysis the above research study by answering the following questions:

What are the key words used to identify the study?

1) What is the type of Study or Project
2) Methodology used for the implementing the intervention
3) What was the size of group in intervention?
4) Did it have a comparison group or
5) Was the search strategy discussed or featured in diagram?
6) Does it discussed how the quality of the study was assessed?
7) Were reasons provided for why subjects did not complete study or project?
8) Are the participants within the age group that compares to your patient group?
9) Was the study length sufficient to study the full effects of intervention?
10) Were the instruments used valid and reliable?
11) What did the outcomes reflect statistically?
12) Were the outcomes positive, neutral, or not effective?
13) Will the intervention be appropriate for my patient population:

My population: Older Adults Aged 65 and above in in the long-term care; Intervention: To decrease Dehydration?

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