
What was the sample size size will vary according to the

Assignment : Rapid Critical Appraisal (RCA) of Available Evidence and Evidence Evaluation Table

The purpose of this assignment is to help you develop the skills that are necessary to critically appraise the evidence so that you are able to determine whether it is relevant and credible.

For this assignment, identify two (2) "keeper studies" related to your clinical research question, answer the questions below and create an

Evidence Evaluation Table.

You will be using this technique to appraise at least 10 "keeper studies" for your final synthesis paper.

Required elements: (use the bolded elements as subheadings - APA Level 2 headings)

Introduction (1 paragraph)

• What is your clinical research question (PICOT/PICo)?

• What is the dependent variable (outcome) that you are interested in?

• Which databases did you use to find this evidence?

• What keywords did you use for your search?

• What terms did you use to limit your search?

Critically appraise each study

• What was the purpose of the study? How is it directly relevant to the clinical research question?

• What was the sample size? Size will vary according to the nature of the study. Don't necessarily discard a study due to small sample size.

• Were the instruments/tools used clearly defined, reliable & valid? Did they measure the variables that the researchers said they would measure?

• How were the data analyzed? Were the stats used relevant to the clinical research question?

. Were there any unusual events during the study?

• How do the results fit in with previous research in this area? Does it build on other similar studies?

. What are the implications of the research for clinical practice?

Conclusion: (1 paragraph)

• Do these two studies belong in the same evidence base?

• Are they relevant to the clinical research question being asked?

Evidence Evaluation Table (EET)

The purpose of creating this table is to organize the evidence that you find r/t your clinical question.

You will continue to add to this table as you gather at least 10 "keeper studies" for your final synthesis paper in Week 6. The completed

Evidence Table will be submitted along with the final synthesis paper in Week 6.

• Create an Excel file for your evidence table using the template provided. Use the example provided for a reference point.

• Include the two studies that you used for the Rapid Critical Appraisal Assignment.

• Use abbreviations and create a legend for readers & yourself.

• Keep your descriptions brief. There should be NO complete sentences.

Paper Requirements

• APA (6th ed.) format/grammar/spelling/references/citations

• Expected to be 2-3 pages (excluding Title & Reference pages) double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-font.

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Dissertation: What was the sample size size will vary according to the
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