
What was the relationship of the dancers closefar

Writing Assignment

Begin writing notes and observations in class. Before including this paper in your Class Observation Notebook, the essay must be typed, and at least 2 pages Please use complete sentences, paragraphs and have a beginning and ending to your paper.

Movement Assignment:

In a small group, create a composition involving these actions: Stretch, Stamp, Turn, Lunge, Walk.

Be sure to give a title to your completed group work. The composition may use any of the following forms:

• Unison - everyone begins/ends together and does the same thing at the same time throughout.

• Canon - everyone has the same movement sequence, but dancers begin moving at slightly different times (example; singing "row, row, row your boat".

• Fast, Medium, Slow - variations in speed are employed once the phrase has been created. Dancers may move in unison, or play with some dancers moving at different speeds.

• ABABA - Two phrases are created (like the verse and chorus in a song). Using the pattern, phrases are alternated. The final "A" section may vary slightly to make the ending clear.

Observe and write about At Least One of the other group works, using the title to identify the piece by name. -

Did the groups use all of the required movements (stretch, stamp, turn, lunge, walk)?

Which compositional form did the group use?

What was the relationship of the dancers? close/far, even/uneven, group/individual, facing front/center, etc. What other words can you use to explain what was done?

What levels did they use?

Floor plan? Movement around the space?

What else did you observe/find interesting/unique when you watched this piece?

What did you learn today?

Be sure to have an ending paragraph to complete your essay.

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Other Subject: What was the relationship of the dancers closefar
Reference No:- TGS02671333

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