What was the rational for the investments selected? Did you use a top-down approach of first analyzing the economic outlook, which industries would do well given your economic forecast, and specifically what stocks within those industries you thought were worthwhile investments. Did you use a value investing strategy (Warren Buffett) in which you identified stocks trading below their intrinsic values, and assumed these investment would move up toward their true value. Did you use behavioral finance as a strategy, by focusing on investor sentiment, past history of stock prices, and predicted the future price based upon a pattern on the chart. Did you adopt the random walk/efficient market hypotheses, and used darts to select stocks because the chances of outperforming the market according to these theories is largely based on chance? You do not need to use any of these strategies. You could use discounted cash flows valuations or other valuation methods we will learn about this term, or you could just create your own strategy. No matter which strategic framework you select, make sure you explain what the strategy is, what validity it has (have others used it with success), and why you selected that strategy.