
What was the purpose or shared vision of the team

Assignment: Western Medical Enterprises Applicant Questionnaire

Directions: Provide responses to the two sections below. The expectation is that each response is from 1 to 2 pages in length (not including the information already present in this document which is approximately 1 page). You are expected to support your assertions, ideas, or opinions with at least two scholarly or professional resources where appropriate using current APA style and formatting.

Section A: Leadership and Collaboration Experience

Briefly describe an instance where you were required to lead and motivate a team of professionals to collaborate. It does not need to be in a health care setting. If you have not lead a team of professionals before, use a different example.

Next, analyze your approach to the challenge using specific examples. It is not important whether or not your efforts were successful. What is important is the approach you take to appraising your leadership and collaboration decisions and actions. Do the following:

I. Analyze your leadership of the project. Consider the following:

1. What was the purpose or shared vision of the team?
2. The effectiveness of your leadership approach and style. Did you get "buy in" from stakeholders?
3. Decision making processes and outcomes? What were your good decisions? What would you have done differently?
4. How did you communication your vision, values, decisions, information, et cetera?

II. Analyze your approach to fostering collaboration and motivation among stakeholders. Consider:

1. How well you facilitated member or participant collaboration and engagement with one another. Did participants communicate effectively?

2. Actions you took to motivate people to realize your vision or tactics. Did the team or participants feel motivated and energized by you? Why or why not?

The main objective of the team I lead was to break down any kind of barriers of diversity at the medical facility. In meeting this objective, the shared vision of the team was to educate and educate employees on the benefits associated with adopting workplace diversity as a way of improving community confidence in services provided in the medical facility as well as increasing employee trust. One of the ways of achieving the objective was adopting a leadership style and approach that would bring team members together. As a result, I adopted a collaborative leadership approach. The collaborative leadership style aims at bringing members of the team to work together across the multidisciplinary sectors they come from (Maalouf, 2019). I implemented the collaborative leadership approach by giving each member an equal opportunity to speak as well as listening to all opinions, thoughts, and questions from my team members. Moreover, I encouraged roundtable brainstorming and discussion to make decisions. My leadership style was effective as it was focused on increasing our workplace diversity. In as much as I welcomed ideas from other stakeholders, I did not buy in to the stakeholder's pressure as it would limit the vision set for the teams. The stakeholders felt that working on diversity was diverting from core operations; hence it would reduce productivity, but I indicated that solving the diversity issue was important for the future.

In the collaborative approach, members of the team were asked to give ideas for better decision-making. A member proposed that the medical facility hire Haitian employees to bridge the diversity gap. After intensive discussion, the idea was abandoned as it would increase the ratio of Haitian employees but not get the right employees with experience and healthcare skills needed for the job. One of the good ideas proposed was to offer a scholarship program to students who wished to pursue a degree in healthcare. Haitian high school seniors interested in healthcare studies would be chosen. It was a good idea to offer scholarships to Haitian students from local high schools, but it would be better if the scholarship was offered to other Haitian students in other jurisdictions to achieve diversity of regions. I suppose that increasing the jurisdiction of scholarship to include other regions with Haitian students was necessary.

Communicating the vision, decisions, values, and information of the medical facility and the team was achieved through meetings, written communication through official letters, as well as through emails. Meeting that would engage stakeholders who would support the scholarship were conducted and an email was sent to every relevant party of the decision reached. Whenever feedback arose in need of clarification, written letters and emails were sent. Every member of the team was required to communicate freely. Different platforms such as private emails were received, and team members were encouraged to create working groups at free will. It allowed members to collaborate and communicate effectively.

Action that I took to motivate people to realize the vision included recognizing individuals who gave the best ideas o achieve the vision. Public recognition is an incentive that makes team members feel motivated and energized to work (Ali & Anwar, 2021). Individuals who also gave ideas were made champions and leaders in implementing the idea through delegating responsibility to them. In addition to the two tactics, informing members on the need and importance of achieving diversity motivated people to achieve the vision.

Section B: Ethics Experience

Briefly describe an ethical dilemma that that demonstrates your application of ethical principles in the health care setting. Next, analyze your response or actions (even if there were none) to the event against one of the reference points below. Were your (in)actions or choices supported by the chosen framework? Be specific and include two references citing one or more of the following.

1. Any workplace code of ethics (consider choosing one from a place you work or have worked).
2. The Professional code of ethics for your profession.

AND one of the following:

1. Ethical Decision-Making in a Caring Environment: The Four Principles and Leads.
2. American College of Healthcare Executives Code of Ethics.

In my work as a nurse, there are situations where I had to care for a patient with heart attack illness. The patient was elderly; hence her health condition required avoiding stressful situations which would make her health deteriorate. After taking care of the patient for like two months, she started complaining of a pimple in her right breast that was painful when pressed. The information was communicated to me as a nurse by her family member. Therefore, I recommended that the patient be taken for an x-ray to determine what the problem was. After the result of the x-ray, it showed that the patient was suffering from breast cancer. The report was shared with family members. Given the condition of the patient suffering from a heart attack, the family member indicated that the prognosis should not be shared with the patient. The ethical dilemma in this instance was whether, to be honest with the patient or withhold the information as proposed by her family members. I chose to prepare the patient psychologically and share the information about the breast cancer she was suffering from as a way of starting the treatment as the cancer was in the initial stage of development. Together with other medical professionals, we agreed on a treatment program for the patient to cater to her heart attack problem and the new cancer treatment.

Notably, taking a decision that suits the patients is important in improving patients' well-being. The workplace code of conduct clarifies that the well-being of the patients should be the priority hence all decisions taken by healthcare workers should reflect on improving the well-being using patient-centered practices. The American Nursing Association code of ethics requires that nurses have an obligation to disclose information to patients about their health (Winland-Brown, Lachman, & Swanson, 2015). Therefore, as a nurse, I adhered to the professional code of ethics of telling the truth to the patient besides family members proposing that the information should not be shared with the patient. Truth-telling is one of the key components of creating a strong nurse-patient relationship.

At the same time, the choice to disclose the information to the patient is supported by the four principles of ethical decision-making. Specifically, the ethical principles that support healthcare practices include beneficence, autonomy, justice, as well as nonmaleficence. There are two principles that are related to the ethical dilemma explained above and the decision to disclose the information. First, the beneficence principle is applicable and requires that every decision taken by healthcare providers should be intended to act for the benefit of the intended patient (Ling, Yu, &Guo, 2019). Given that the patient has a right to know about his/her health, disclosing the information would help her accept the agreed treatment method and get the patient's consent. On the other hand, the nonmaleficence principle requires that healthcare professionals do not do any harm intentionally to patients. Although the patient was suffering from a heart condition and information like suffering from cancer would cause panic leading to heart attack, sharing information in a way that would not cause panic was important. It ensured that the patient accepted the treatment process and shared in efforts to improve her well-being.

Format your assignment according to the give formatting requirements:

1. The answer must be double spaced, typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the course title, the student's name, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.


1. Ali, B. J., & Anwar, G. (2021).An Empirical Study of Employees' Motivation and its Influence Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Engineering, Business and Management, 5(2), 21-30.

2. Ling, D. L., Yu, H. J., &Guo, H. L. (2019). Truth-telling, decision-making, and ethics among cancer patients in nursing practice in China. Nursing ethics, 26(4), 1000-1008.

3. Maalouf, G. Y. (2019). Effects of collaborative leadership on organizational performance. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 6(1), 138-144.

4. Winland-Brown, J., Lachman, V. D., & Swanson, E. O. C. (2015). The new'Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements'(2015): Practical clinical application, Part I. Medsurg Nursing, 24(4), 268.

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