
What was the purpose of the study what were the independent

Assignment - There are 4 articles and questions related to each article.

1. Review questions for article: Peterson-Sweeney, K. McMullen, A., Yoos, H., Kitzmann, H., Halterman, J., Arcoleo, K, & Anson, E. (2007). Impact of Asthma Education Received from Health Care Providers on Parental Illness Representation in Childhood Asthma. Research in Nursing & Health, 30, 203-212.

1) Is this a qualitative or quantitative study?

2) What was the purpose of the study?

3) What is the null hypothesis for the study?

4) What is the alternative hypothesis (what the researchers really believe)?

5) The power analysis completed for the study determined that a minimum sample size needed to detect the smallest anticipated effect size was?

6) What was the sample size for this study?

7) Should this be an adequate sample to detect significant differences that do exist?

8) If the study intended to enroll 228 families but was only able to obtain consent from 178 the risk of what type of error is increased?

9) The measure of the parent/health care provider interaction instrument had questions which involved an answer on a five point Likert scale where 1 was strongly agree and 5 was strongly disagree. This is what level of measurement?

10) The total score (summation of the individual questions coded in 1-5) was also available for the measure of parent/health care provider interaction. The total score is what level of measurement?

2. Review questions for article: Barthel, C. Wiegand, S., Scharl, S. et al. (2015). Patients' perception on the impact of coffee consumption in inflammatory bowel disease: friend or foe? A patient survey. Nutrition Journal, 14 (78) DOI 10.1186/s12937-015-0070-8

1) What was the purpose of this study?

2) How are the respondents with inflammatory bowel disease classified?

3) What was the alpha level specified for the study?

4) How many patients with CD responded to the survey? Were they all included in the study?

5) Look at Figure 1. How many subjects with CD were included in the study?

6) Look at Figure 1. Which group of patients had the highest percentage that did not drink coffee?

7) Look at Figure 1. Which group had the largest absolute number of patients that did not drink coffee?

8) Look at Figure 1. What percentage of the patients with CD do not drink coffee?

9) Look at Figure 1. What percentage of the sample has CD?

10) Among coffee drinkers, did they prefer caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee?

11) Thirty-eight percent of the sample reported that coffee has an effect on their disease symptoms. Was this the same for the CD and UC group?

12) Was this difference significant? How do you know?

13) Was there a higher percentage of patients who reported that coffee negatively influenced their intestinal symptoms in the CD or UC group? Was this a significant difference? How do you know?

14) Did more of those who felt coffee had a positive impact on their symptoms consume coffee regularly? Was this difference significant? How do you know?

15) What percentage of those who reported a negative effect from coffee still consumed coffee?

16) Look at Figure 3. Is there a significant difference in the percentage of subjects with CD and UC who report coffee effects their symptoms?

3. Review questions for article: Scherer, Y., Foltz-Ramos, K., Fabry, D., & Chao, Y. (2016). Evaluating simulation methodologies to determine best strategies to maximize student learning. Journal of Professional Nursing, 32(5), p. 349-357.

1) This study examined a convenience sample. What does this mean?

2) Group one completes the pretest and posttest knowledge test before and after the simulation experience. The score is measured on a scale of 0-8. What level of measurement is this variable?

3) One of the student groups had their knowledge and performance measures assessed before the simulation, after the simulation experience and then again after repeating the simulation experience a second time. Multiple t-tests are utilized to examine the data from two different points in time. Would an independent t-test or dependent t test be appropriate to compare the knowledge score on the pretest vs. the test after the first simulation?

4) Look at Table 3. Make sure to read the small print at the bottom of the table. Was there a significant difference between the knowledge scores on the pre and posttest? How do you know?

5) Look at Table 3. Was there a significant difference between the knowledge scores on the first posttest and the second posttest?

6) Look at Table 3. Was there a significant difference in the student's performance measures after repeating the simulation?

7) Look at Table 3. What was the mean score on the SSSCL on the 2nd posttest?

8) Look at Table 3. You are asked by the nurse educator to interpret the impact that repeating the simulation had on student satisfaction and self-confidence. What would you report?

9) The study also examined how participation vs. observation of the simulation impacted student outcomes. Look at table 4. What was the average knowledge score on the pretest for the group that was going to participate first (Group A)?

10) Look at table 4. What was the average knowledge score on the pretest for the group that was going to observe first (Group B)?

11) Which group had a significant change in their own mean knowledge quiz score between the pretest and the first post test?

12) Look at the measure of the student's self-confidence. Where was there a significant change?

4. Review questions for article: Özden, D., & Görgülü, R. S. (2015). Effects of open and closed suction systems on the haemodynamic parameters in cardiac surgery patients. Nursing In Critical Care, 20(3), 118-125. doi:10.1111/nicc.12094

1) What was the purpose of the study? What were the independent and dependent variables?

2) What level of measurement was the independent variable?

3) What level of measurement were the dependent variables?

4) Why does this study matter to evidence based practice?

5) The authors report several studies they found during their literature review which reported significant differences between utilizing open and closed suction systems, however, these differences were small and clinically irrelevant. What does this statement tell you about the statistical and clinical significance of the studies in question?

6) This study was conducted in a cardiovascular surgery intensive care unit (CVS-ICU) in Turkey that utilized both open and closed ES. What were the inclusion criteria for the study?

7) What were the exclusion criteria?

8) Of the 258 patients admitted during the timeframe of the study they selected 120 from a list of previously designated surgical patients. This is an example of what type of sampling method?

9) What do you know about the demographic characteristics of the two groups? Were the demographics of the two groups similar?

10) When were the hemodynamic parameters measured?

11) How does repeating and comparing the hemodynamic measures on the same subjects over time effect the power of the study?

12) Look at table 1. Which group had a higher PaO2 level before any intervention at all? Was this a significant difference?

13) What happened to the average PaO2 level for patients who had open ES from baseline to as soon as the suctioning was terminated?

14) Look at table 1. What happened to the average PaO2 level for patients who had closed ES from baseline to as soon as the suctioning was terminated?

15) Look at table 1. The researchers compared the PaO2 levels for patients as soon as the suctioning was terminated using a t-test. What did they report?

16) Look at table 1. What happens to the average PaO2 level in the open ES group over time?

17) Look at table 1. What happens to the average PaO2 level in the closed ES group over time?'

18) Look at table 1. Were the differences in the average PaO2 level in the two groups significant at any single point of measure?

19) Look at table 1. The researchers then look at the average PaO2 level within the open ES group at multiple points in time utilizing repeat measure ANOVA. What does this test result indicate?

20) If the researchers had only compared the groups to each other and not to themselves how could this have potentially impacted the results?

21) Look at table 1. The researchers then look at the average PaO2 level within the closed ES group at multiple points in time utilizing repeat measure ANOVA. What does this test result indicate?

22) The researchers report that when they completed a post hoc t-test and evaluated the average PaO2 level for patients who had open ES from baseline to as soon as the suctioning was terminated. Was it significant?

23) Was the average PaO2 level immediately after ES significantly different from the average PaO2 level at other points in time in both groups?

24) How do the researchers explain these results?

25) If the researchers had missed the significance of the drop in the average PaO2 level within the open ES group what type of error would this be?

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Dissertation: What was the purpose of the study what were the independent
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