1. Russ Belmez is a staff accountant at a bank in the downtown Phoenix area. Belmez is sent to various branches throughout the state to do audits and has an accident while en route to one of the audits. Which of the following statements is true?
a. The bank will be liable for any injuries to third parties.
b. The bank will not be liable for any injuries to third parties.
c. Belmez is a professional and an independent contractor and the bank will not be liable.
d. none of the above
2. Which of the following statements concerning airline unions is not correct?
A strike by one craft union within the carrier might shut down the carrier's operations.
Disputes sometimes arise as to which jobs actually belong to which craft union.
Unions have been very successful in organizing workers employed by the newer carriers.
A typical carrier is almost continually in the process of negotiating a renewal contract with some group of workers in the company.
3. What was the problem with Ultra Ski manufacturing?
Excess employees
Excess material costs
Expensive locale
Single factor productivities
Increasing demand
4. What are some problems with measuring too many things?
Prevents integration
Adds complexity
Many measures are poor
Measure things showing only positive performance