
What was the period before the appearance of neoliberalism

Q1. What was the period before the appearance of neoliberalism like in Canada? What is referred to as the standard employment relationship (SER)? What is precarious employment? What was the transition from SER to neoliberalism like? (183-184)

Q2. What is the 'gig economy'? How does it differ from contingent work arrangements? What are the 4 categories of the gig economy?  Differentiate between platform-based and cloud-based forms.  What concerns have been raised about the gig economy (184-185)

Q3. Why are women more likely to work in the gig economy?  Why is women's increased employment in the gig economy not a viable long-term option for women?(187-188)

Q4. What was the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on gig work in Canada? What are the two ways described by van Doorn, Mos, and Bosma (2020) about how the pandemic affected gig work? (190)

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