
What was the nature of the repositioning


Sometimes the use of a product may decline over time. The product may have been well-known for this particular use, but with usage declining, a company may have to find a new use for the product and communicate this to the market. For example, Arm & Hammer experienced a stall point when the use of baking soda for baking at home declined. The company could not simply encourage customers to increase their baking at home. So, the company attempted to find other ways customers could use the product. This is known as repositioning the product: or, more accurately, repositioning by creating new-use situations. The company repositioned the use of baking soda and achieved growth.


What was the nature of this repositioning? What were the new use situations that help revitalize the sales of baking soda?

Instructions: Compose your answer as an MS Word document (Arial 12).

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Other Management: What was the nature of the repositioning
Reference No:- TGS02007270

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