
What was the most frequent number of missed days


What statistical mean results do your Pivot Tables demonstrate about this grade school population of students?

Data Means Statistical Questions

1) What was the most frequent number of missed days?

2) What is the mean (average) number of missed days because of asthmatic conditions?

3) Which school had the highest average of missed days?

4) Was the school with the highest average of missed days for males the same as the school with the highest average of missed days for females?

5) Is the average number of missed days higher among those who answered yes to asthma than the overall average?

6) What is the average age of the student population?

In a summary, explain how an informatician can use an outcome measurement of missed school days to monitor and evaluate population health; in this situation, asthma cases in elementary school children. Refer to the following article by Moonie, Sterling, Figgs, and Castro (2006):

Moonie, S. A., Sterling, D. A., Figgs, L., & Castro, M. (2006). Asthma status and severity affects missed school days. The Journal of School Health, 76(1), 18-24.

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Reference No:- TGS03301335

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