
What was the most confusing or difficult aspect of the text

Hello, I have a summer project for my AP English class. I am supposed to read the book The Professor and the Madman by Simon Winchester and anwser any 4 out of the following six questions

(1) Copy a short passage that you found to be interesting and explain why you found it interesting/why it is an example of good writing.

(2) Describe how the author captured your interest or pulled you into the book.

(3) Describe new insights or understandings you have after reading the book.

(4) Would the book be different if it had been written either 10 years ago or 100 years ago? (depending on the date of publication)

(5) How did your understanding of the text or your feelings about it change over the course of your reading? What might have been the cause of this change?

(6) What do you think the writer wants his/her readers to think and/or do after reading this book?

I am supposed to write one paragraph for each of the four questions that I chose

My second assignment is that I am supposed to read the book Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain and anwser any of the 4 out of the following six questions

(1) Copy a passage that you find particularly beautiful or powerful. What devices (imagery, figurative language, etc.) did the author use to make an impact on the reader?

(2) Pick a scene in which you disagreed with how a character handled a situation/person and rewrite it in the way you think it should have happened.

(3) Copy a short passage from the text that you find important to the development of character, conflict, or theme. Explain why it is important.

(4) Explain how a character is behaving and why you think the character is behaving that way.

(5) What was the most confusing or difficult aspect of the text? Explain how this affected your reading and how you dealt with it.

(6) What do you hear this writer saying about human nature, or people in general?

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Dissertation: What was the most confusing or difficult aspect of the text
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