
What was the method of sampling participants


A. Did the title of the article interest you and give you an immediate idea of what the research is about? Who are the authors of the article/conductors of the research and in which journal is the article published? Does the introduction of the article clearly describe what problem is that they were addressing in the research?

B. Does the introduction clearly describe the purpose of the research?

C. Is the research likely to have an impact on our nursing practice?

D. Is the literature review relevant to the research that has been conducted?

E. What is the research question/hypothesis?

F. What is the research method?

G. What was the method of sampling participants?

H. Could there be any bias in the sample? If yes, why?

I. How was the data collected?

J. Where are any tools used? Were they reliable and accurate?

K. Did they need/get ethics approval to conduct the study?

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Other Subject: What was the method of sampling participants
Reference No:- TGS03226823

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