Case: Danny v. Laidlaw Transit Services 193 P.3d 128 (Wash. 2008) - Opinion by Justice Owens:
1. What was the issue in this case? What did the Court decide?
2. How convincing is the evidence of a clear, dominant public policy? Why does it not matter that these legislative enactments do not address the responsibilities of private sector employers to their employees who are victims of domestic abuse?
3. Does it appear that the plaintiff will be able to satisfy the other elements of her public policy claim? Why or why not?
4. Should the fact that the Washington State legislature enacted a law requiring employers to provide leave to victims of domestic abuse, but did so in 2008 after the events of this case had already occurred, have any bearing on this decision? Why or why not?
5. What are the implications of this decision for employers? How should employers handle this type of situation?