
What was the impact of relocation on inuk people


This assignment has two functions

• To ensure you are reflecting on the course's material
• So you can give constructive feedback to your classmates

What should my response contain?

Blogs should include a summary, What is the topic, what and who is the reading or film about? How do you feel about the topic? how does it tie into what you have read so far in the course? To guide your responses I will also be posting questions for each topic that you should be incorporating into your post.


• What was your opinion about Seal/ Fur hunting before watching the film?

• How was your reaction to the more graphic elements of the film? Why do you think the filmakers decided to keep the more gory scenes, even calling it "cute" in one scene?

• Has the Film changed your opinion about hunting in the North?

• Changing a people's access to traditional food can have serious consequences - what has ending the seal hunt done to the Inuit?

• After watching Angry Inuk what aspects of Inuit Culture peaked your interest?

• Both Vowel and Arnaquq-Baril talk about dispossession - what was the impact of relocation on Inuk people?

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Business Management: What was the impact of relocation on inuk people
Reference No:- TGS03212399

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