
What was the impact of legalization of marijuana in colorado


Part I

Professor Cheikh Anta Diop provides many examples to show how human beings originated in East/Central Africa in "Cheikh Anta Diop: THE AFRICAN ORIGIN" Middleton (1985). Use examples from the documentary to highlight some of the best examples Prof. Diop offers in the interview. Also mention one example to show what some Europeans were willing to do in order to reject the fact that human beings originated in Africa.

YouTube Video: "Cheikh Anta Diop: THE AFRICAN ORGIN".

Part II

Use "The marijuana user in US news media: an examination of visual stereotypes of race, culture, criminality and normification" to respond to either:

i. What was the impact (if any) of the legalization of marijuana in Colorado on media depictions of marijuana users?
ii. How do media depictions of marijuana use differ based on the user's race?

Part III

i. Carrying out anthropology of criminalization, Schneider and Scheider examine ways in which governments, scholars, media, and everyday people define who and what is criminal. Discuss one example of this from the reading and its consequences.

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