What was the ideal female image projected by mass media in

1.To peacefully resolve the Cuban missile crisis, Khrushchev agreed to withdraw missiles from Cuba if the United States removed their nuclear weapons from __________.
Answer Cuba

2. The "Freedom Summer" project organized by CORE and SNCC was an effort to:
Answer register blacks to vote in Mississippi.
provoke the overreaction of local law enforcement in the South to gain support for civil rights nationally.
to test if laws demanding integration in interstate buses would be enforced.
to oppose segregation laws in Birmingham, Alabama

3. Which of the following choices denotes the correct chronological order of these events?
Answer Kennedy is elected president; Sputnik is launched; Cuban missile crisis; Bay of Pigs
Sputnik is launched; Kennedy is elected president; Bay of Pigs; Cuban missile crisis
Bay of Pigs; Cuban missile crisis; Sputnik is launched; Kennedy is elected president
Cuban missile crisis; Bay of Pigs; Kennedy is elected president; Sputnik is launched

4. What was the goal of the sit-in?
Answer Integration in public places
Segregation in public places
Voter registration
Equal housing opportunities

5. All of the following were rock 'n' rollers EXCEPT __________.
Answer James Dean
Chuck Berry
Jerry Lee Lewis
Buddy Holly

6. In 1955, Jonas Salk pioneered the first effective vaccine for which disease?
Answer AIDS

7. Which of the following list the events in the correct order?
Answer SCLC campaign to desegregate Birmingham, Alabama; Montgomery Bus boycott, Selma to Montgomery March
Montgomery Bus boycott; Selma to Montgomery March; SCLC campaign to desegregate Birmingham, Alabama
Selma to Montgomery March; Montgomery Bus boycott; SCLC campaign to desegregate Birmingham, Alabama
Montgomery Bus boycott; SCLC campaign to desegregate Birmingham, Alabama; Selma to Montgomery March

8. Who was the founder of the Nation of Islam?
Answer Malcolm X
Elijah Muhammad
Mohammad Ali
Martin Luther King, Jr

9. Who assassinated Kennedy?
Answer Jack Ruby
Earl Warren
Lee Harvey Oswald
Walt Rostow

10. Which of the following statements concerning the Voting Rights Act of 1965 is FALSE?
Answer It was signed into law by Lyndon Johnson.
It outlawed literacy and other discriminatory tests that had deterred black voting.
It authorized federal supervision of registration in states when necessary.
It banned all poll taxes

11. Other groups besides African Americans had to fight for Civil Rights. Chose one of the following groups: Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Japanese Americans, or Native Americans. Outline their struggle for Civil Rights. What sort of segregation or oppressive measures did they face? What was a defining moment in their struggle, and why? How did they react? What legislation worked to help them achieve Civil Rights

12. What was the ideal female image projected by mass media in the 1950s? Was this ideal also the reality? Why, or why not?

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