Problem 1: What laws giving rights to or defining rights for blacks were passed during Reconstruction?
Problem 2: What was the Freedmen's Bureau?
Problem 3: What was the process of sharecropping?
Problem 4: What role did racial violence play in the late 1800s? (Hint: Klan and Lynching)
Problem 5: In what ways did whites in government limit freedoms and rob blacks of newfound political and social rights?
Problem 6: What were vagrancy laws and what intent came with their creation?
Problem 7: How do we balance the 100 years of circumventing the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments with the idea that the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land?
Problem 8: What is segregation, according the reading?
Problem 9: What can we learn from the information about black workers in southern industries from 1890-1920? (This is on page 120 of the blue version and on page 85-86 in the newer version).
Problem 10: Since poor whites and blacks could both benefit from unionization, as suggested by Jaynes, what factors prevented this alliance? (123 in blue version and 86-87 in newer version).