
What was the first work published by your writer use a

Assignment: Schuhart

Research Questions sheet

Complete the following. It must be word-processed, saved in WORD, and is due at the start of our next class. Write in complete sentences.

1. Preliminary Questions: Using ONLY credible, scholarly, and college-level sources, find the answers to these questions.

a. What is your subjects full name and what kind of writer is he/she?Use a signal phrase to name your source.

b. When was you subject born? Where?Use a signal phrase to name your source.

c. Using your Biographical essay, what social conditions did he/she grow up in?Give an in-text citation for your scholarly source.

d. What college or university did your subject attend? From when to when? What degree did he or she receive? When? If not "educated," how did the person learn to write and become literate?Give an in-text citation for your scholarly source.

e. Was you subject ever gravely ill or injured, or did your subject ever survive a near fatal event, or suffer from a psychological illness, or undergo some great meaningful experience? What was it?Use a signal phrase to name your source.

f. Did you subject marry? have children? When? How many? Use a signal phrase to name your source.

g. What was the first work published by your writer? Use a signal phrase to name your source.

h. What literary awards or recognitions, if any didyour subject receive?Give an in-text citation for your scholarly source.

i. What literary work is considered to be your subject's most important or popular work? Who says so?Use a signal phrase and give an in-text citation for your scholarly source.

j. What other writers or literary figures, did your subject associate with? When and where?Give an in-text citation for your scholarly source.

k. How did your subject die?Reseach: Find an "obituary" article for your writer.Use a signal phrase to name your source.

l. When this writer died, how recognized was he or she by the pubic? How famous was the writer? Did this writers become famous after death?Use a signal phrase to name your source.

m. What does one other famous writer have to say about this writer?Use a signal phrase and give an in-text citation for your scholarly source.

n. What important influence has your research shown so far? What sources can you see this in?Use a signal phrase and give an in-text citation for your scholarly source.

2. Include a complete works cited list of the sources that you used for this. You should have at least two different sources of info.

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Other Subject: What was the first work published by your writer use a
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