1.Find online the annual 10-K report for Peet’s Coffee and Tea (PEET) for 2008. Answer the following questions from the notes to their financial statements:
a. What was Peet’s inventory of green coffee at the end of 2008?
b. What property does Peet’s lease? What are the minimum lease payments due in 2009?
c. What was the fair value of all stock-based compensation Peet’s granted to employees in 2008? How many stock options did Peet’s have outstanding at the end of 2008?
d. What fraction of Peet’s 2008 sales came from specialty sales rather than its retail stores? What fraction came from coffee and tea products?
2.Find online the annual 10-K report for Peet’s Coffee and Tea (PEET) for 2008.
a. Which auditing firm certified these financial statements?
b. Which officers of Peet’s certified the financial statements?