
What was the earliest strike recorded in the us what were

What Unions Do: Answer the following questions about the labor movement.

1. The labor movement in the United States grew out of what?

2. In the industrial sector, organized labor unions fought for what?

3. What was the earliest strike recorded in the US What were the reasons behind the strike and what groups were involved?

4. The formation of what group marks the beginning of sustained trade union organization among American workers?

5. What was Samuel Gompers and what was his role in the labor movement?

6. What social justice movement did the AFL-CIO take a major role in?

7. What presidential administration actively anti-union and introduced policies\regulations that fueled the rate of decline of union membership?

8. What are the current threats to unions?

9. What are opportunities for growth and change for unions today?

10. What are some companies in Russellville, AR or where you live that have union shops? (Be sure to tell me what town you are using).

Answer the following 5 questions. After posting your response, follow up with at least three classmates on their posting. What was different in your post and the classmates?

How did Industrialization impact labor in the United States?

What was the role of labor unions in trying to solve the problems of workers during industrialization?

Was "labor violence" inevitable and unavoidable? What factors played into causing much of the confrontation between unions and big business.

What were some of the different and mutual demands of the various national unions? What tactics did they employ to realize their demands?

When viewed from the perspective of the corporations, what do you think they were so adamant in opposing unions?

Compare and contrast the one of the frameworks below with regard to the functions of managers to the traditional planning/organizing/controlling/leading management function framework.

Hint: present your framework by describing each part in a moderate amount of detail. Include definitions for each function, role, etc.

Then describe the contribution this framework makes to the overall performance and functioning of a manager. Finally highlight differences between your framework and traditional framework. Frameworks --10 Basic Roles of managers, in three categories (Information, Interpersonal, and Decisional) --3 categories of performance skills (technical, human, conceptual) --9 performance skills, as identified by AACSB (leadership, self-objectivity, analytic thinking, behavioral flexibility, oral communication, written communication, personal impact, resistance to stress, tolerance of uncertainty).

Professor Bob Kaplan of Harvard talks about the balance scorecard (a concept he developed) for communicating strategy.

Submit your response to the following questions through the Turnitin link that follows:

1. How is Management by Walking Around implemented?

2. What is strategy and how can a critical role in communication matter?

3. How important is the ability to communicate in strategy by way of fun and also effective?

4. What is Arkansas Tech's strategy? Does the institution communicate it well? Why or why not?

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Operation Management: What was the earliest strike recorded in the us what were
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